Chengdu, rental bikes - huurfietsen entrance to breakfast room free - gratis! hotel mascotte - lion in front of our hotel
don't stop - niet remmen Kashgar, Mausoleum met park cameras ? Afaq Khoja Mausoleum
Afaq Khoja Mausoleum Afaq Khoja Mausoleum, cemetery Kashgar, Id Kah Mosque colourfull display
butcher (with dutch meat?) City wall of the old town of Kashgar City wall of the old town of Kashgar muslim butcher
road undercrossing sunglasses / oxygen seller lake Karakul lake Karakul
lake Karakul, no iceskating lake Karakul Dunhuang Night Market Kashgar animal market, deal
Kashgar animal market, the camels Kashgar animal market, kebab sellers Kashgar animal market, muslim Kashgar animal market, milk or yoghurt
Kashgar animal market, kebab sellers Kashgar animal market Kashgar kind of empanada baking Kashgar animal market, having fun
Kashgar animal market, goats for sale Kashgar animal market, food Kashgar animal market, watching the dance Kashgar animal market, watching the dance 2
Kashgar animal market, dancing Kashgar animal market, me and Adrienne Kashgar, Old Town Market Street Tower
Kashgar, Old Town Kashgar, Old Town, fruit seller Kashgar, Chinese dress up Kashgar, Old Town
Kashgar, Old Town, main city wall gate Kashgar Kashgar, Old Town Kashgar, local market
mmm, Pomegranate juice - granaatappelsap Id Kah Mosque Jiaohe ruins, From 108 BC to 450 AD Jiaohe was the capital of the Anterior Jushi Kingdom. near Karez-irrigationsystem
Sugong Ta (Emin Minaret) - Sugong Ta-moskee Sugong Ta (Emin Minaret) Sugong Ta (Emin Minaret) Dunhuang night market, superb noodles
Sugong Ta cemetery Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves, near Turpan 'authentic muslim music', Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves - ‘Duizend Boeddha Grotten’ van Bezeklik Tuyugou, mosque in background.
Tuyugou baby Tuyugou, old man Tuyugou, saleswoman Tuyugou, Chinese tourists
Tuyugou Tuyugou, Chinese women like to dress up in touristic places for pictures (also see flaming mountains) Turpan, show at Flaming mountains ( Vlammende Bergen) flaming mountains, reproduction of paintings in caves (not allowed to make photos of)
Flaming mountains - Vlammende Bergen Flaming mountains, Chinese tourist posing Flaming mountains, Iron-Fan Princess (is a character from the 16th century Chinese novel, Journey to the West.) Turpan, in region Gansu
Turpan, cakes Turpan street scene Turpan, typical scooter Turpan, Chinese chess players, Xiangqi
Turpan, go bang players Mogao-caves Tourist information Mogao-caves - grotten Mogao-caves, Buddha
Mogao-caves - grotten Mogao-caves - grotten near Mogao-caves - grotten Mingsha Mountain
Mingsha Mountain Mingsha Mountain Mingsha Mountain Mingsha Mountain
Mingsha Mountain Dunhuang, at sunset Yadan Nationaal Park Yadan Nationaal Park dustbin
The Great Wall of Han dynasty at Yumen Pass  (jade in Chinese) , end of great wall. Yumen Pass, guard? Yumen Pass, Big Fangpan Castle (Hecangcheng) Big Fangpan Castle (Hecangcheng)
Yumen pass, Jade Gate Pass, Small Fangpan Castlebuilt c. 121 BC was built with loess in square shape Jiayuguan, the hanging great wall - Hangende Grote Muur, built around 1540 (though it was reconstructed in 1987) the hanging great wall Tibetan pelgrims at Tongren
My group in front of Xining station (?) fort Jiayuguan Jiayu Fort theatre, stage, in centre the eight immortals fort Jiayuguan, Chinese actors
Zhangye National Geopark fort Jiayuguan historic play fort Jiayuguan behind the scenes fort Jiayu, back in time
fort Jiayu, Mural of a general from a door at the fort? fort Jiayuguan and The Great Wall fort Jiayuguan fort Jiayu, In de achtertuin wonen de guerrilla-generaals en hun families. Dit is de salon van de generaal.
fort Jiay, Inside the Jiayuguan fortress is a re-creation of Ming military commanders planning the defense of the fortress at the western terminus of the wall in Gansu province. Zhangye Danxia National Geopark (Rainbow Mountains) - Danxia Nationaal Park met zijn ‘Regenboogbergen’ Zhangye Danxia National Geopark, A lot of chinese pray tags ? A lot of chinese pray tag at Zhangye Danxia National Geopark
Rainbow Mountains Rainbow Mountains Rainbow Mountains Rainbow Mountains, photo ..
Rainbow Mountains Rainbow Mountains Rainbow Mountains Rainbow Mountains
Rainbow Mountains Rainbow Mountains Stella uses translation app - gebruikt vertaalapp Tongren is at an altitude of 2400 meter, main square.
Tongren monument Tongren street scene Tongren street scene, fruit seller Four harmonious friends in dutch:
Tongren kora Tongren Tongren 20240521 104455
Tongren Tongren, Buddha square in front of  Rongwu Monastery Tongren, small kora Tongren
Tongren Tongren Tongren Tongren, Four harmonious friends
Tongren Tongren Tongren, Rongwo Monastery Tongren
Tongren,Yama Dharmaraja( the Lord of Death, King of the Law) =Kalarupa (The Way to Enlightenment by the Conquest of Anger)? Manjushri is represented here as Kalarupa(Tib. Choegyal), and by his side, his consort, Tsamundi, an emanation of the goddess Saraswati. This terrifying form of the Buddha of Wisdom, personifies enlightenment by the conquest of anger. Tongren Tongren Tongren
Tongren Tongren Wutun Xiasi Wutun Xiasi
Wutun Xiasi Wutun Xiasi Wutun Xiasi 20240521 164814
Wutun Xiasi mountain pass small kora Labrang (monastery), Xiahe
Labrang (monastery) Labrang (monastery), kora Xiahe, Ruddy shelduck - casarca Xiahe, dinosaur
Labrang (monastery) Labrang, kora around temple Labrang, beggar Ganjia Graslands, yaks
Ganjia Graslands, klooster Ganjia Graslands, monastery Ganjia Graslands, panorama Himalayan marmot - Himalayamarmot
sweet Tibetans and me sweet Tibetans Ganjia Graslanden, cliff shepherd, at cliff
cliff cliff Ganjia Graslanden, pagoda vultures on a hill, Himalayan vulture - Himalayagier
Xiahe Xiahe, pelgrim shop Xiahe, pelgrim shops foot bath during massage
Xiahe, curious pelgrims at our hotel Xiahe Labrang monastery - klooster Labrang monastery - klooster
Labrang monastery - klooster Labrang monastery - klooster Labrang monastery - klooster, to the right our philosopher guide Labrang monastery - klooster
Xiahe, dumpling restaurant China is fulll with Chinese Labrang monastery - klooster Labrang monastery - klooster
Labrang monastery - klooster, view from pagoda Labrang monastery - klooster, Tijdens kora wordt Om mani padme hum gepreveld. Labrang monastery - klooster Labrang monastery - klooster, goodbye
Turpan Chengdu, Panda Research centre, Giant panda - reuzenpanda Giant panda - Reuzenpanda Red panda - Kleine panda
Chengdu, Tianfu Square,  Mao still there Tianfu Square, I may sit at her table Tianfu Square Tianfu Square
Tianfu Square, Mao leads People's Park People's Park, emergencies People's Park, Heming Tea House (Renmin Park), Traditional Ear Cleaning
People's Park, Heming Tea House, special tea service People's Park, Heming Tea House, pandas Shufengya Yun, Sichuan opera Chengdu, Tai Chi, near Sichuan opera
Shufengya Yun, Sichuan opera Shufengya Yun, Sichuan opera, monkey king and... Shufengya Yun, Sichuan opera route China silk road, NW China:  Hong Kong, Chengdu, Kashgar, Turpan, Dunhuang, Tongren, Xiahe, Chengdu, HK - zijderoute