Read birth dates before the year 1811 as baptism dates and death dates as burial dates.
Explanation of genealogical kretology
Ahnentafel (quarter state): numbering of ancestors, starting with me (1). My father is 2, mother 3, father of my father 4 and so on.
Orphanage satisfied means administration, no payment.
There are DTB (baptism, marriage and burial) archives and from the 19th century population registers in which the residents are registered per house (indicated with B).
Amstelveen has been in use as the municipality name since 1 January 1964 and is still in use as the 'new' name for Nieuwer-Amstel.
Sloten is an independent municipality until 1 January 1921, then part of Amsterdam.
Baardwijk and Besoijen are independent municipalities until 1 January 1922, then part of Waalwijk.
Wessum is located in Westphalia, south of Gronau, at the height of Enschede.
The burnt down church in Warmond. Destroyed by the people of Leiden in 1573 to prevent the Spanish from finding shelter there. Leiden was then besieged by the Spanish.
Cemetery of Bastiaan Pouw.
The following occupations occur in the family (in brackets ahnentafel number):
aanspreker/begrafenisondernemer/koster (12)
arbeider (56,118)
automatiseerder (1)
bezemmaker (58,116, 1840), broom binder : brooms made from heather
baker (kraamverzorgster)(35) : A midwife was the predecessor of the maternity nurse.
bakker (1700)
bierdrager (108, 286) : unload barrels from the barges into the cellars of the beer tappers (beer sellers).
begrafenisondernemer, koster (12)
blikslager (52), Tin is crushed and tinned sheet iron. A tinsmith made lamps, buckets, jugs and water bottles from this tin sheet material.
bloemist (4)
boer (320)
boerenknecht (40)
boerenmeid (41)
boerenwerkster (89)
bouman: boer, landbouwer, zetboer (zetbaas op een boerderij), boereknecht (40)
bouwmansknecht (56)
burgemeester (946)
chirurgijn (1646) : The surgeon was a medical practitioner
commissionair (54) is an intermediary who concludes agreements in his own name, but on behalf of a principal (the contractor). clerk at the Entrepot
cremer (128), kramer: A peddler (kremer) was a seller (man/woman) of small goods. or peddler
daggelder (84): someone who works one or more days for a fixed wage per day
dekker (3752): roofer
dienstbode, dienstbaar, dienstmeid (15, 17, 23, 25, 39, 53) : A maid was a servant with many duties.
At the end of the 19th century, almost half of Dutch women worked as servants or laundresses for the upper classes.
dorpsschutter (1794)
drapenier (435800), was a person who, from approximately the Middle Ages until the end of the 18th century, was involved in the manufacture and sale of cloth.
droogscheerder (384): sheet maker
fabrykwerker (22): factory worker who performs fairly simple repetitive work
fuselier (46): an ordinary soldier armed with a rifle. The old infantry consisted of the great mass of fusiliers (the old word for rifleman),
supported by grenadiers (literally the grenade throwers) and chasseurs (light, rapidly mobile infantry).
houtjesmaker (112): maker of heel wood or talwood (round sticks), matches
komenijhouder: products such as beans, groats, flour, beetroot and matches are sold there.
koperslager (8, 1840): makes objects from beaten copper, e.g. kettles.
kleermaker (18,36,822)
kleermakersknecht (130)
koetsier (98)
koopman (28)
koopvrouw (29)
koperslager (3680) : A coppersmith was a craftsman who worked sheets of copper or other soft metals.
koster (12)
leestemaker (64): makes wooden models of feet on which the shoemaker shapes his shoe.
meester chirurgeyn (678): master surgeon, healer, was a medical practitioner who mainly dealt with external ailments.
melkslijter (10): sold milk and some related dairy products.
metselaar (88)
metselaarsknecht (194)
minne, zoogster (19)
molenaar (594,1188,3404)
molenmeester (5120): member of the executive board of a polder
moutmolenaar (6808)
naaister (23,51)
officier (30)
onderwijzeres (3)
pakhuisknecht (96)
rijglijfmaker (222 iv): A corset maker made the corset, which was undergarment for both women and men. He made this from a sturdy cloth with whalebone and a lacing.
It was the precursor of the corset.
scheepstimmerman (96,202)
schepen (1280,1702,1712,2560,5120,6800,13602,480256)
schildersknecht (50)
schoenmaker (18,28,36,64,192)
schoonmaakster (37,67,201)
schout (220862)
sjouwer (96) : A porter (man) took care of loading and unloading ships. It was hard and rough work.
smidsaffairedoende (27)
soldaat (260) in 't regiment van hr. brigadier Malparade
spekslagersknecht (38), butcher's boy
stadskruier (44) : A porter pulled wheelbarrows, the profession has existed for centuries. Not only porters used this means of transport, but also all kinds of others.
stoelenmaker (386)
tapper (71)
timmerman (27604)
timmermansknecht (34)
valkenier (148, 298)
varensgezel (3214)
veehouder (20,42,82), especially near Amstelveen ( map of Amsterdam and surroundings around 1700)
veehoudster (41)
voormansknecht, 820, driver is the driver of a vehicle with draft animals intended for the transport of persons and/or goods
weg en waterbouwer (2)
werkman (22)
werkster (57)
zadelmaker (24,48) : A saddler made saddles for riders. In addition, he usually made and repaired the harness.
In the 17th and 18th centuries there were 3 overseas trading companies. The VOC, the Noordse Compagnie and the West-Indische Compagnie.
WIC-link. Lambertus Blankers, born 14 January 1817 in Amsterdam was a 3rd class sailor.
Blood relationship
marital injury link
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Municipal Archives Amsterdam.
Wim Paternotte .
Aad van Nieuwenburg, Verbij family